The Cornejo Family

This year I decided to take the plunge into the world of Christmas Mini's as a way to gain exposure in a new town. I didn't expect to meet so many adorable families who captured my heart! The Cornejo Family was one of many families I had the privilege of capturing. So here's to Christmas and celebrating it with the ones you love the most! 

Ryan + Jesse

Ryan + Jesse have become dear friends whose path collided with ours when we all found ourselves in the same town out in West Texas. Ryan is a Fightin Texas Aggie (WHOOP!) and Jesse has an eye for fashion that makes me question every article of clothing I own. I knew Jesse and I would be good friends when we found ourselves at a wine tasting huddled around the snack table. They fill our life with board game nights and delicious baked goods. I was in AWE the entire time I was photographing these two love birds. Ryan + Jesse, we are so thankful for you two! 

The Trevino Family

I have the privilege of working with Sara at the YMCA and had the opportunity to photograph her adorable family at the St. Ann's Annual Carnival. It was a Sunday afternoon full of sticky cotton candy smiles and I absolutely loved how unique this family session was! What's better than fried twinkies and family photos? 

Renew Life Church

Isn't it funny the doors God opens when you feel like there's no where left to turn? After moving to Midland in May I was struggling to find a creative outlet in this new West Texas town, but God had something working up His sleeve. Daniel and I stumbled upon Renew Life in a way that's only a God thing, but boy am I sure glad we did. After connecting with one of their photography team members I was given the opportunity to shoot one Sunday and shortly after was offered a spot on the team. I had to laugh at God, opening yet another door for me to continue pursuing this crazy thing. So today I wanted to share a few of my favorites so far from Renew Life and say thank you Jesus for this church that feels like home! 

Hawaii | Personal Travel

Daniel and I ventured to Maui & Kauai for our honeymoon and we were blown away by Gods creative creation. From the black and white polka-dot eel slithering among the coral, to the towering green cliff sides stretching towards the never ending sea. It was the quiet moments in the morning and the loud crashing of ocean waves that made you sit back and realize how much Gods love is shown through nature. The stars and sunrise 10,000 feet up that took our breath away, the powerful pull of the ocean just before it sends you laughing back to shore, the soft breeze dancing through the palms. He is there. Here's to you Ha-wa-ii: breath of life, fresh water, and the Creator. 

SOS Ministries | Family Session

I had the opportunity to volunteer for SOS Ministries during my time at Texas A&M. Although it was challenging, sweet families like this one made it oh so worth it. Mariah was one of my 3rd grade girls and she was as giggly as can be!! I was so honored I had the chance to capture this adorable family! To learn more about SOS Ministries and how you can help visit: